Volunteer Forms/Requirements

Safe Environment Policy for Volunteers



As directed by the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, the State of Pennsylvania and Nativity of Our Lord Parish, all volunteers who have any possible contact with children, including chaperones on class trips, must obtain background checks. Volunteers must complete and submit documentation for the following:


Pennsylvania Child Abuse Clearance  (effective for 3 years)


Pennsylvania State Police Criminal Background Clearance  (effective for 3 years)


Pennsylvania Disclosure Statement for Volunteers  (one time filing)


Safe Environment Part I: Protecting God’s Children (in person training session – one time attendance)


Safe Environment Part II: Mandated reporting of Suspected Child Abuse (on-line – one time completion)

www.childyouthprotection.org (under Training Institute)

Information and Communication Technology Addendum/ Addendum to the Standards of Ministerial Behavior and Boundaries  (one time completion)


Arrest/Conviction Report and Certification Form  (one time completion) http://www.education.pa.gov/Documents/Teachers-Administrators/Background%20Checks/Arrest%20or%20Conviction%20form.pdf

If your Pennsylvania Residency is less than 3 years, then you must have an FBI Fingerprint Clearance Check also.  Register at www.pa.cogentid.com

Volunteers must have their PA Criminal Background Check and Child Abuse Clearance on file, and must have attended or be registered and show proof of registration for a Safe Environment Training Session in order to continue coming into school   Parents wishing to chaperone their child’s field trip MUST have their clearances on file at school or they will not be permitted to chaperone.  We appreciate your compliance with these safety requirements.


volunteer clearance information form

