Scholarships & Financial Assistance

There are various outlets to apply for financial assistance for tuition costs at Nativity of Our Lord School. Students must be enrolled to receive financial assistance. For further information about financial assistance, please contact the school Enrollment Office or the Parish Business Manager.

BLOCS (Business Leadership Organized for Catholic Schools)


These fund programs distribute designated and undesignated funds donated by businesses under the Pennsylvania Educational Improvement Tax Credit Program (EITC) and are income qualified, i.e. applicants must fall within prescribed income levels to be eligible to receive funds. Applications are submitted to a 3rd party agency for review for qualifications  and results are forwarded to BLOCS, Foundation for Catholic Educations & schools. Funds are available for Kindergarten through 8th grade. For more information about BLOCS, please see their website,

For 2025-2026, all applications must be submitted online through  FACTS, Inc. by April 30, 2025.  Please use this link to begin your application:

For more information or assistance, please contact FACTS Customer Care at 866-315-9262.  A completed 2023 Federal Income Tax return will be required to be submitted as evidence to complete the application.  No awards will be made until ALL required documents are submitted for verification.

Joey Casey Foundation Scholarship

This fund distributes donor funds and is also income qualified (see above). Applications through FACTS are reviewed for qualification and awarded through the school vetting process.  ONE application through FACTS will place qualified families in consideration for any funds through this foundation.  Apply through 


Sponsor A Student Scholarship Funds

This fund is held within Nativity of Our Lord Parish to assist students in our school and is funded by various individual donations given throughout the year from different sources. This fund is not restricted by income qualifications and can be used to help families through specific and emergency situations. All applications submitted through the FACTS system will also be considered for assistance from the SAS funds.  Paper applications are no longer accepted for the SAS program except by special prior exception from the school office.

Nativity Of Our Lord Scrip Program

This program is open to anyone to participate to offer tuition credit to any specific student tuition account. Scrip or Gift Cards are available for purchase throughout the calendar year with a % of each card purchased returned as Tuition Credit to a specific account or to the Sponsor a Student Scholarship Fund. Tuition Credit will be made to School tuition, PREP tuition, high school or university tuition. Participation in this program can begin immediately for a future student and held until the student begins school. For more details on how to enroll, visit our SCRIP page.