
Computers/Technology – Nativity of Our Lord School is continually updating and adding to the array of current instructional technology hardware and software to supplement the curriculum. Among the items available in every grade are Promethean interactive whiteboard technology, over 320 Ipads for student use, document cameras, internet access in every classroom, Multi-Media Center and STEAM Lab, and IXL site license. Teachers use a variety of educational programs and applications to enhance student learning and differentiated learning styles such as Edmoto, Google Drive and Docs, Nearpad, etc. Teachers are encouraged to attend yearly workshops to update their use and knowledge of the latest technology advances for educational applications.  Project based learning is encouraged in our classes by cooperation across the curriculum with other academic subject areas in Specials class assignments and assessments.

Spanish– All students in Pre-K 3 through 8th grades receive instruction on a weekly  basis in Spanish language and culture from a dedicated Spanish instructor. Progression through the program in its entirety with satisfactory completion of course requirements should enable each 8th grade graduate to place out of Spanish I in high school and provide the opportunity to take a 5th year of Spanish in high school or provide more schedule flexibility for other courses.

Music Program – Nativity of Our School has a complete Music Program and Curriculum that enables each child to develop an appreciation for music or instill a passion for music while in a safe and fun learning environment. Each student in grades Pre-K3 to 8th grades will receive instruction in General Music weekly during the school day. Depending on the grade level, students will learn rhythm, music notation, music appreciation and history, and music composition. Their weekly classes are taught by a degreed Music Teacher.

The Instrumental and Band Ensemble program enables students to expand their music knowledge outside the General Music class by teaching children to play any one of a variety of musical instruments through weekly group lessons.
